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Student Union, Postgraduate Student Union and Students’ Association Union are the three main student organizations of Central China Normal University (CCNU), all of which are characterized with self-education, self-management and self-service.

CCNU Student Union enjoys a 60-year glorious history, carrying forward the “Three Bo” spirits—Boxue (learned), Bo’ai (humanitarian) and Boya (cultured) as well as hosting high-quality activities on campus. The “Innovation Cup” of science festival and the "Shuren Cup” of art festival have attracted outstanding students every year. Activities such as the Annual Welcome Party for freshmen, Graduation Party, "Super Voice "campus singer championship and the "Golden Microphone" host competition all present a wonderful cultural and entertaining feast for teachers and students. Moreover, a series of activities related to feminine education including Cheerleader Competition and the Star of Talented Show have provided a stage for girls to display themselves. 

Meanwhile, community cultural activities such as Harmonious Dormitory Exhibition, Food Culture Show and Drama Competition have promoted the construction of a harmonious community. We also have “Freshmen Cup” basketball competition, CUBA carnival, “Lvyin Cup” league football match etc. to light students’ passion for athletics. The Poll of Civilized Behavior and Uncivilized Behavior on Campus and the Art Contests (including calligraphy and photography) help to foster students’ good images as well as contributing to CCNU’s construction for a National Civilized Unit. 

In recent years, CCNU Student Union has hold or participated in all kinds of activities among nations, provinces and cities. E.g., the Students’ Art Troupe has taken part in the national performance named Flowers in May, which was held by the Publicity Department of the Central Committee of CPC, Ministry of Education, and Central Committee of Communist Young League. We also successfully participated in other activities such as the Meeting of National Swimming Team, CUBA Final in Southwest Division, 12.9. Poetry and Prose Contest in Hubei Province, the Music Poetry Contest in Hubei Province, and the Campus Concert of Hubei Peking Opera etc.

CCNU Postgraduate Student Union, as a postgraduates’ mass organization of the university, persists in the spirit of uniting the graduate students to study hard and building a comprehensive high-level research university characterized with distinctive teaching and educational features. With routine work handled by the presidium, the Union is composed of 11 subordinate departments, including the Secretariat, Academic Department, Graduate Student Journal Editorial etc. Since its setting up, the Union has conducted a series of special activities in academic exchange, social practice, entertainment, physical training, etc.

 “Centenary Searches and Teacher Forum” is one of the brand activities of the Academic Department and has been successfully held for 81 times by far. The Forum has gradually become an important showcase of academic exchange by inviting Zhang Kaiyuan, Ma Min, Yi Zhongtian, Ge Jianxiong and other well-known scholars and experts from both inside and outside school to give lectures. The Doctoral Salon, a gathering of the talents, is a learning-exchange activity for graduate students by giving theme speeches and organizing cross-departments, interdisciplinary and cross-grades exchange activities. "Good Tutors in My Mind" and "Boya Students” activities is also hosted by the Graduate Student Council to select outstanding teachers and students around the university, which enjoy strong authority and popularity. 

The Graduate Student Council has held many colorful cultural and sports activities, such as "Stars of CCNU Graduates Competition", "Boya Beautiful Life Show", volleyball and basketball games of "Hua Yan Cup", etc. After entering the new century, the number of postgraduates in our university has been increasing and the Graduate Student Council adheres to the high-level positioning of "Study first, Covering grass roots,Building classic”, which has gained remarkable achievements in the postgraduate academic competition, social practice, service rights, community culture and many other fields.

CCNU Students’ Association Union was founded in October, 1991. It is one of the earliest Students’ Association Unions among colleges and universities in Hubei Province and was nominated as “National excellent Students’ Association Union”. CCNU Students’ Association Union constructed a management system called “Four-Self” for college students, including “self-education”, “self-management”, “self-service” and “self-discipline”. Following the motto of CCNU—“Loyalty, Innovation, Morality, and Cultivation”, CCNU Students’ Association Union has launched many wonderful community activities and made great contribution to the flourishing campus culture. 

After first carrying out the“Classification Guidance” and “Super Ministry System” reform among colleges across the country, CCNU has more than 108 student associations covering 9 domains: Charity, Professional Practice, Theoretical Study, Artistic Performance, Professional Learning, Technology Innovation, Athletics, Language and Literature, Art Composition and Comprehensiveness. After two decades of development, the Students' Associations Union unites and leads all the associations' members to carry out various activities, giving birth to many characteristic associations and therefore has fulfilled gratifying achievements. 

The Shengbing Charity Association which helps the distressed and succors those in peril was honored by the CYL central committee and the provincial party committee. Meanwhile, it is also reported by various media such as CCTV etc. The Xinxinhuo Volunteer Teachers Association works hard every day for years to teach migrant workers’ children in remote and poor areas. The drama from Huada theatrical troupe won the first prize in Wuhan Drama Festival of university students. Other organizations, such as Martial Arts Association, Hip-pop Association, South Lake Painting and Calligraphy Association, Flute and Xiao Association and so on have been awarded as the provincial model associations by participating in the Hubei Province Cultural Performances of university students. In addition, the School Associations Union has organized the New Year`s Eve Party, Associations and Cultural Festival, Peony Calligraphy Meeting, Chrysanthemum Calligraphy Meeting and so on, which have become popular in Guizi Mountain. From now on, the students from the School Associations Union will continue to work for the prosperity of the campus culture with their boundless pride and innovation.

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